'Friends' of the Museum
The “Friends” of the Museum is an organization established to promote the services and mission of the Horry County Museum as well as to provide a working group of volunteers that will aid in museum programs and special events. A typical “Friend” of the Museum might be someone with interest or experience in the museum field; an interest in history, antiques, natural history, archaeology, conservation, research or photography.
The "Friends" of the Horry County Museum meet quarterly at the Horry County museum located on 9th Ave and Main Street in Conway at 4:30pm
A “Friend” may be a retired educator interested in working with the museum’s educational outreach programs for children or a home-school parent with a greater need to work with museum resources for a home-school network.
The "Friends" are currently working on several projects and are always looking for new memberships.
A “Friend” may be a retired business man or woman that can help the museum with their plans for a museum store, or consult with museum staff on marketing ideas.
"Friends" plan and staff museum exhibit receptions."Friends" will also be needed to serve as receptionists, greeters, and tour guides for the Museum and L W Paul Living History Farm. So fitting into the "Friends" will never be a problem.
A “Friend” may be someone who loves to get involved with their community; to meet new people and to plan social events for museum events. A “Friend” may be someone with that special gift to give; a warm smile and a greeting to the visitors to the Horry County Museum.
The Horry County Museum Foundation
The Horry County Museum Foundation was reorganized in 2003 under the leadership of Dr. Hal B. Holmes Jr. of Conway. The goal of the foundation is to provide support funding for the Burroughs School expansion project and sustained support for museum projects and services through annual fund raising
Friends Volunteer of the Year: Pam Bean

Left to Right: Walter Hill, Pam Bean, Susan Githens, Justin Powell
Most Events Attended: Jody Nyers

Left to Right: Walter Hill, Justin Powell, Jody Nyers
Most Farm Tours: Jody Nyers, Steve & Carol Woodard

Left to Right: Walter Hill, Jody Nyers, Justin Powell. Not Pictured: Steve & Carol Woodard
Most Farm Tours

Hillary Winburn, Justin Powell, Winner Jody Nyers, Walter Hill, Winners Jeanne Edwards and Susan Githens
Museum Greeters: Barbara Tucker, Jim & Pam Bean

Left to Right: Walter Hill, Barbara Tucker, Pam Bean, Justin Powell. Not Pictured: Jim Bean
Museum Intern: Trevor McKnight

Left to Right: Walter Hill, Trevor McKnight, Justin Powell
Museum Volunteer of the Year: Ben Burroughs

Left to Right: Walter Hill, Ben Burroughs, Justin Powell
Museum Quilt Gala Committee

Left to Right: Walter Hill, Joanne Shropshire, Dawn Dilley, Linda Schilaci. Not Pictured: Carolyn Brackat, Darla Harlacher, Kathy Aparicio, Margo & Dusty Woolard, Karen Burch Bennett